6 Operating Modes
During a test sequence, the left side of the screen will display similar information to Basic Mode
(see Section 5.3 for detailed information). The right side of the screen will display all of the breakdowns
for the test cycle, and the current step in the sequence. At the start of the test, the voltage will ramp up
to the first step’s target voltage, at the selected ramp rate, and then dwell at that voltage for the selected
dwell time. Once that step’s dwell expires, the voltage will start ramping up to the next step’s target
tage, at the next step’s selected ramp rate, and then proceed to dwell. This will continue until all of
the steps in the sequence have been performed, or a breakdown occurs. High voltage will be shut off,
and the unit will wait for the chosen wait-time before commencing another test, if multiple number of
tests were selected.