Multi-Step Mode
In Multi-Step mode, each test has the capability to customize multiple ramping sequences for
unique testing scenarios. By clicking on the cells in the table, the user can select the ramp rate, target
voltage, and dwell time for each sequence in the test. To add a step in the test s
equence, click the ‘plus-
sign cell’ at the bottom of the table, and then click each cell in the row to select the parameters for that
. To remove the last step in the sequence, click the ‘x-button’ in the bottom left of the table. The
sequence table will only ever show three steps at a time; to view the other steps currently in the test
sequence, scroll up or down with the ‘arrow keys’ to the right of the table.
Similar to Basic Mode, you can adjust other test parameters on the bottom of the screen, such
as electrode type, stir option, number of ramp tests to be cycled, the wait time in between tests, and the
output frequency. Once, all of these options are selected, begin the test sequence by clicking the
‘START button’.