Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute & Second fields.
LCD set: P
to enter the submenu and then press “
” or “
” to make changes to the
“Black Screen time”. Press ‘
’ once done to save your selections.
This unit supports 19 languages. Press “
” or “
” to select desired language,
then press
to confirm
Power saving:
There are two power saving settings. “Off time” and “Sleep time”.
Off Time
is used to turn the screen off if there are no buttons being pressed.
Sleep Time
is simply based on a time that you choose for the screen to go off.
Replay mode:
The replay function may be set to either Manual replay or Auto replay.
Delete Music / E-Book / Pictures / Video files
When you are within the respective menu’s, you may press the “M” key when the file has
stopped being played. You will see a submenu and you can delete files in this submenu. Once
you choose to Delete a file, you will be asked to confirm your choice.
Formatting your player.
When you connect to a computer, you can format your player. You will be able to view your
player as a ‘Removable Hard Drive’. Highlight the Drive and then right click your mouse button to
get an option to Format your player.
Warning! Please ensure you back up important files before you format your player as
formatting your player will delete all files on the player.
Con v e r t in g v ide o t o be p la y e d on t h is pla y e r
Please follow t he st eps below in or der t o successfully convert video files t o be played
on your player. ( Conversion is done on your com put er only. Once t he file is
conver t ed, you t hen have t o copy it ont o your player t o wat ch it on your player )
1. I nst all t he ‘Conversion’ soft w are t hat is prov ided on t he disc t hat
accom panies t his player.
2. Once t he soft war e has been inst alled, please double click t he conver sion
soft war e icon on your com put er t o get st ar t ed.
3. Select t he “ Sour ce File” t o be conver t ed.
4. You m ay m ake relevant select ions on opt ions as available before you st art
5. You w ill have t o specify w here t he file is t o be saved and a file nam e for t he
convert ed file. At t his point if t here are m ore opt ions t o be select ed, please select as
desir ed and pr oceed t o t he next st ep.
6. Click “ Convert Now ” or “ OK’ t o st ar t t he conver sion process. Once t he
conver sion is com plet ed, t he indicat or w ill show ‘100% com plet e’. This file is now
r eady t o be played on your MP4 player. Please connect your player t o t he com put er,
and t hen copy t his file t o your player t o wat ch t he video.