Liko UniversalSling • 7EN160174-04
Lifting to/from the Toilet
For lifting to/from the toilet with UniversalSling according to the “pants trick”, please see separate instructions.
There are several other slings in the Liko range that can be used for lifting to/from the toilet, e.g. Liko HygieneSling
and Liko HygieneVest.
Removing the Sling when Sitting in Bed
Position the patient above the bed.
Raise the head end of the bed for
the patient’s comfort. Lower the
patient onto the bed.
Remove the leg supports by pulling
out the leg support loops under the
fabric part.
This is facilitated if
the patient’s legs are bent.
Remove the sling by carefully
pulling it up.
Removing the Sling when Lying in Bed
Position the patient above the bed. Raise the head
end of the bed for the patient’s comfort. Lower the
patient onto the bed. Lower the head end.
Place the leg support loops under the leg supports
between the patient’s legs.
Grasp the edge of the sling. Push in the sling under
itself. Press the sling against the mattress and in
under the patient.
Carefully turn the patient onto the side. Grasp the sling
from below and remove it carefully.
We recommend removing the sling after transfer. If for some reason it is preferable to leave the sling in the bed after
transfer, we recommend using a sling made of net polyester.
Think about your own work posture as well as the comfort of the patient. Use the bed’s raising and lowering functions.
Lifting to the Bed