Defining of x,
0: single byte, no direction and no frame format, it’s default format.
1: Double bytes, with direction and no frame, the first byte means direction--close, F9h;
away, F8h; uncertainty, F7h;
The second byte means the target speed.
The radar with no
direction recognition fixed outputs F7h and outputs F7h 00h with no speed in the
continuous mode.
2: ASCII, the output data are four bytes, the first byte means direction--closing, ‘ + ’,
away, ‘ - ’, uncertainty, ‘ * ’, the first byte is fixed as ‘*’ if the radar with no direction
recognition function. Output ‘ *000’ in the continuous mode.
: The speed of the target close to the radar is 125 km/h, output 2Bh 31h 32h 35h
The speed of target with uncertain direction is 89 km/h, output 2Ah 30h 38h 39h
Reply from the radar: FAh 32h xxh 3xh FBh
Set low-limit speed
: FAh 39h yyh 30h FBh
Define yy as the speed of target, the effective range is between 1 and 150 km/h.
The default is 5.
Reply from the radar: FAh 32h xxh 3xh FBh
Save Current settings
: FAh 3dh 31h 30h FBh
Reply from the radar: FAh 32h xxh 3xh FBh
Restore factory settings
: FAh 3dh 32h 30h FBh
Reply from the radar: FAh 32h xxh 3xh FBh
Read the current settings
: FAh 3dh 34h 30h FBh
Reply from the radar: FAh 3yh xxh yyh … yyh FBh
Define yy as the number of the following byte except FBh.
Define yyh … yyh as the saved parameters, their order is: work mode, TTL trigger up-limit,
angle correction, sensitivity, data format, low-limit speed, speed jump threshold, and five
reserved bytes at the end.
Soft reset the radar
: FAh 3Eh 30h 30h FBh
Reply from the radar: FAh 32h xxh 3xh FBh
Going to reset state immediately after reply, it will not take about 1 second.
After resetting, any
command will not be responded.
Inquire the software version
: FAh 3Fh 30h 30h FBh
Reply from the radar: FAh 3xh 30h version character string(ASCII, non-tail byte 00h) FBh