Easy HD Expressway!
Appendix B: Configure with Windows PC/NB
A Windows tool is included for advanced HV-100/HV-200 configurations with PC or Notebook.
When HV-100/HV-200 is ON, connect HV-100/HV-200 to a Windows PC or Notebook with a USB cable.
On most Windows platforms, the driver will be installed with in-box driver automatically.
However, if Windows prompts to install driver for the new device, please run
“PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.7.0.exe”, which can be found in the folder “\HV-100/HV-200 CD
v0.9\PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.7.0” on CD.
If the device driver is installed well, there will be a new Com Port device, shown in Windows Device
The com port assignment may vary depending on the PC configurations. In the following example, COM5 is