AB- V-MA-650
1 February 2021
LD900 and INS Commissioning Guide
This commissioning guide will provide the information required to install the VERIPOS LD900 unit with INS, by
detailing how an LD900 should be configured and how an IMU should be mounted, interfaced and configured.
GNSS Heading Antenna Installation
The VERIPOS INS system consists of an LD900 (LD900 or LD900M model) receiver, authorised for INS use
and operating in PPP mode with active GNSS heading. The LD900 presently supports integration with two
Novatel IMU models, the IMU-ISA-100C and IMU-µIMU-IC:
Novatel IMU-ISA-100C (left) and Novatel IMU-µIMU-IC (right)
INS operations can be configured and monitored using the LD900 MMI, or an interfaced Quantum software
system. This guide will provide details for both options.