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HEWI P.O. Box 1260 D-34442 Bad Arolsen
HEWI wallreader basis-unit ES5403
Product description / scope
The HEWI wallreader basis-unit ES5403 is defined for usage within the electronic locking
system ES5000 in combination with reading-modules ES5401, ES5402 or ES5404 to control
peripheral devices like electric door openers, electric locks, electric door and gate drives,
elevators and so on.
The usage for scopes apart from the usual requests for electronic locking systems has to be
authorized by HEWI in the doubt. The basis-unit is suitable for security-critical applications
only in combination with the reading-modules ES5401 / ES5402 / ES5404 and correct
installation (see beyond). It must not be used in humid rooms or outside of buildings. For
further informations contact the HEWI Servicecenter locking systems, fon +49 5691 82-200.
The usage in dusty environment without further protections (for instance the mountage in
dust protected casings) is not allowed.
a) Security against manipulation (unauthorized access)
Attention: If using the ES5403 manipulation in access-direction is possible, if the basis-unit is
not installed in the secured inside area (seen in access direction). That means that by
removing the basis-unit the connection cables could be used for operating the peripheral
device. For security-relevant applications the reader-module has to be seperated from the
basis-unit. Please use the ES5403 in the secured inside area in combination with the
ES5401 / ES5402 / ES5404 in the „unsecured“ outside area.
b) Environmental requirements
Combined with the HEWI covers the protection-class corresponds to IP21, therefore the
ES5400 has to be used inside of buildings an in dry rooms. For the usage in humid rooms or
in dusty environment, specially designed products are offered.
c) Combination with peripheral devices
For the operation with peripheral devices the operating instructions, technical specifications
of the devices have to be observed.
d) Installation / maintenance
Installation and maintenance musted be executed without power supply – danger of injury or
damage of the product or devices.
e) Sensitivity against contact (z.B. ESD)
Never touch electronical components or circuits of the circuit board, otherwise you could
damage the wallreader irreparable.
f) Combination with electrical door openers / special time zones
If a special time zone should be used, which operates an electrical door opener for a longer
time-period (> 20 s, e.g. opening from 9 to 12 am), you must use a door opener which could
endure permanent power.
g) Non-operating at blackout
During a blackout (no power-supply) the wallreader is non-operational. The wallreader has
an included battery-buffer, which guarantees the perservation of the stored data
(programming, internal clock) Nonetheless plase check the internal time after a longer
blackout. If a special time zone or a manual activated toggle-function was in work during the
blackout, it will be automatically deactivated for security reasons, even if it should be active in