- 3 -
Using the possibility to move graspers along the collector, place them and screw on to chosen laths
Noticing the profitable access after accomplishing points 1-4, we should now mount the armature connected with
joining the collectors with the installation (plug, venting, pipe terminal for the installation, temperature gauge for
the regulator). Flashing `s construction makes it possible to do all of the works above after demounting the side
covering described later.
Montage of the flashing.
Montage of the flashing should be executed according to the numerous denotations of the elements.
Details of the montage are shown on the cross-section A-A, B-B, C-C and D-D in places marked in the picture.
Slate lath
Screw for wood 3,6
Collector’s grasper
Collector KS2000
Flashing’s graspers