GPRMC Data Format
The standard GPRMC data format is as follows:
Detailed descriptions are as follows:
The GPS interface of Pandar20A/B is compatible with a variety of data formats. The external GPS module GPRMC data format needs to
meet the following conditions:
the data in <01> is the hour, minute, and second information; the data in <09> is the date information.
The following two formats are both admissible:
1) $GPRMC,072242,A,3027.3680,N,11423.6975,E,000.0,316.7,160617,004.1,W*67
2) $GPRMC,065829.00,A,3121.86377,N,12114.68322,E,0.027,,160617,,,A*74
UTC Time, hhmmss (hour, minute, second) format
Location Status, A=Valid Position, V=Invalid Position
Latitude ddmm.mmmm (degree, minute) format
Latitude Northern (N) or Southern (S) Hemisphere
Longitude dddmm.mmmm (degree, minute) format
Longitude Eastern (E) or Western (W) Hemisphere
Ground Rate (000.0 to 999.9 knots)
Ground Direction (000.0~359.9 degrees, referencing true north)
UTC Date, ddmmyy (day, month, year) format
Declination (000.0 to 180.0 degrees)
Declination Direction, E (east) or W (west)
Mode (only on version NMEA0183 3.00, A=Automatic
Positioning, D=Differential, E=Estimation, N=Invalid Data)
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