e Xte n do
Em ulation C omm and S e t Re fe r e nc e
Part No. D 684 112
Mod.Nr. 4 150813 LEV
Page 72 of 95
ESC [F1]+[01]+[02]+[03]+[n]
Multi-strobe factor
Multi-strobe factor
This command allows specification of the multi-strobe factor
+ [F1]
+ [01]
+ [02]
+ [03]
+ [n]
+ [241]
+ [01]
+ [02]
+ [03]
+ [n]
1. The “ESC [F1]+[01]+[02]+[03]+[n]” command specifies the multi-strobe factor.
2. Multi-strobe burning is useful if the peak current in an application must be limited, E.G., in the
case of a power supply of restricted capacity. If the multi-strobe factor indicates double burn,
then only half the peak power is consumed by the print head.
3. If multi-strobe burning is enabled, then the dot line burning is divided into two sequential burn
cycles (i.e., burn the left side of the printhead first, then burn the right side; this is referred to as a
“double burn”).
4. The multi-strobe factor is stored in flash memory, where its value can be 0 or 1. Multi-strobe
burning is enabled if the multi-strobe factor is equal to 1, and is disabled if the multi-strobe factor
equals 0.
5. [n] defines the multi-strobe factor in dot line burn cycles. The range of parameter [n] is
, where
disables multi-strobe burning
sets the multi-strobe factor to double burn (2X)
6. The general information that is printed after paper insertion also contains information on the multi-
strobe factor under the “Settings” heading, provided that multi-strobe burning is enabled. If multi-
strobe burning is not enabled, it will not appear on this printout at all.
7. The print speed must be limited to a maximum of 130 mm/s if multi-strobe burning is enabled,
and limited to a maximum of 100 mm/s if dot history is also enabled. (Note that the eXtendo
automatically limits the print speed if this feature is enabled).