e Xte n do
Em ulation C omm and S e t Re fe r e nc e
Part No. D 684 112
Mod.Nr. 4 150813 LEV
Page 64 of 95
FS r+[n]
Set status parameter
Set status parameter
This command specifies a character which will be sent back to the host as part of
the status information.
+ [72]
+ [n]
+ [114]
+ [n]
1. The “FS r+[n]” command is used to transmit a status parameter to the printer, which is sent back
as part of the response to a “Request printer status” command (“GS a+[01]
2. This status parameter is specified by parameter [n].
3. The initial value for parameter [n] is [0]
4. The range of values for parameter [n] is [0]
5. As soon as the status parameter is transmitted back to the host in response to the “Request
printer status” command (“GS a+[01]
”), the value of the status parameter is reset to [0]
6. This parameter can also be transmitted using the End of Page command.
7. Typically, this command is used at the end of a print job to verify that the printout has been
completed successfully. First, FS r+[n} is sent to set the status parameter, then GS a+[01]
used to generate a printer status packet response. If the value of the returned status parameter
matches [n], then the print job has been successfully completed. If not, then the print job has
been lost.
8. It is also common to increment the value of [n] with each print job so that the host can identify
which print job was lost.