1. Install batteries (please see Changing the batteries)
2. For the first use or when inserting new batteries wait around
10 minutes for the warm-up of the device.
3. Swich on the unit with the button SCAN.
4. Aim towards the Inner ear, from a distance of 3-5 cm, press
again the measuring button SCAN, the temperature is
displayed in 1 second.
prActicAl cOnSiderAtiOnS wHen tAkinG A
In order to ensure that precise and accurate temperature
measurements are obtained, it is essential that each user has
received adequate information. Temperature should be take in
a neutral context. The dog must not have undertaken vigorous
physical activity prior taking the temperature.
A method for measuring the temperature with Helpmation
ensure fast and accurate measurement result. The measured
temperature can be different according to the method of
temperature measurement ie. measured temperature by
non-contact thermometer, rectal or ear thermometer could be
The measurement the dog´s temperature using a different
value than the measurement surface and room temperature,
so always check before measuring the correct setting to BODY.