Quick Start Guide
REX 100 3G | LTE
3.3 Creating a router confi guration
The following information describes the confi guration points required to establish
a VPN portal connection. For a more detailed description of the advanced functions
and confi guration options available, please use the portal’s online help.
You should always individualize your login information (user names/passwords).
You can fi nd all relevant explanations in the online help.
Once a connection to the myREX24 portal is successfully established, a new browser
window with your myREX24.net online account will open. Create a new device in
the “Machines” menu.
Click the
icon to get to the next submenu.
The device name must start with a letter. Umlauts, special characters and spaces
are generally not permitted. In addition, every device name must be unique.
The description page for the device you just created will appear now. The entry of
location and contact information data is optional.
If you have the telephone number of the SIM card available, you can enter this in
the appropriate fi eld so that the myREX24 portal can control the REX 100 with SMS
The “Change VPN Password” fi eld requires no entry. The password is generated
To make sure that the confi guration is sent to the right device, you will need to enter
the REX 100 router's serial number. The purpose of the additional description fi eld is
to make it possible to distinguish between several remote servicing units internally.
Open the “Network” tab without clicking "Save".