QuickStart Guide PN/EtherNetIP Coupler | Version 3 | 13.08.2020
Configuration in Rockwell Studio
Access the website and download the EDS file
As soon as the PN/EtherNetIP Coupler has been configured via the PROFINET PLC, the website of the
device can be accessed via the PROFINET network. If the IP address is also available on the EtherNet/IP
network side (Static-IP, DHCP successful), the website can also be accessed via the EtherNet/IP network.
At the first access to the device a password must be assigned for the user "admin".
In the submenu "EtherNetIP" the network settings can be made, if they are not predefined by the
PROFINET configuration, and the EDS file with the currently valid I/O configuration can be downloaded.
The currently valid configuration can be checked in the "Module config" menu.