QuickStart Guide PN/EtherNetIP Coupler | Version 3 | 13.08.2020
Parameters of the PN/EtherNetIP coupler
The PN/EtherNetIP Coupler can be parameterized completely via the PROFINET Hardware Configurator
(e.g. TIA Portal). However, some parameters can optionally be set via the web page, e.g. the IP address of
the device on the EtherNet/IP network side or the DHCP host name.
EtherNet/IP IP-address-Mode:
Defines the IP address for the EtherNet/IP network. Possible options are
"DHCP", "Static IP" or "IP address from web page".
Static IP address:
If the address mode is set to "Static IP", the static IP address can be specified here.
Static IP subnet mask:
If the address mode is set to "Static IP", the subnet mask can be specified here.
Static IP gateway:
If the address mode is set to "Static IP", the gateway can be specified here
Hostname mode:
"From PROFINET configuration" or "Use from web page"
EtherNet/IP product name / DHCP hostname:
Name of the device
EtherNet/IP product code:
Number of the device in the EtherNet/IP network. The number is used in the
EDS file. If more than one PN/EtherNetIP coupler is used in an EtherNet/IP network, this code must be
different for each device!
Data alignment in assemblies:
If the EtherNet/IP PLC cannot address data by byte alignment it is
possible to force the Coupler to align the data to word or double-word addresses.
Swap Byte Order:
For 2-byte and 4-byte values, the PN/PN coupler can swap the byte order if required.
The standard for values via PROFONET is "Big Endian". The "Swap Byte Order" option can be used if the
data is transferred in Little Endian in the Ethernet/IP assemblies due to the PLC used.
On which network interfaces should the website be displayed
MQTT Publisher Option:
On which network interfaces the MQTT Publisher should be activated.