QuickStart Guide PN/EtherNetIP Coupler | Version 3 | 13.08.2020
LED status information
X1 PROFINET (“PN”, left side)
X2 EtherNet/IP (“ENIP”, right side)
SF (red)
Configuration correct
Configuration correct
There is no configuration, the configuration is faulty,
or a diagnosis is pending.
PROFINET side not configured or failed
PROFINET function "LED flashing" for finding the
device is executed
BF (red)
The device is configured
Network configuration is valid and there is at least one
"Exclusive Owner" or "Input only" connection
The device has no configuration, the PROFINET
device name is incorrect, or there is no connection
with the PROFINET controller
Network configuration is valid, but there is no
"Exclusive Owner" or "Input only" connection
PROFINET function "LED flashing" for finding the
device is executed
No connection possible due to faulty or non-existent
network configuration
MT (yellow)
A firmware update is being carried out
A firmware update is being carried out
Flashing with
SF and BF
PROFINET function “LED flashing” for finding the
device is being carried out
PWR (green)
PS1 Power supply present
PS1 Power supply present
RUN (green)
Firmware or device defective. Please contact Support
The device is ready to operate
X1 P1/P2 und X2 P1/P2
Green (Link)
Orange (Act)
Data transfer at the port active
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