World Leaders in Ultra-Pure Heating
Revision 10
405 E. Santa Clara St.
Arcadia, CA 91006-7218
Tel: (626) 599-8566 Fax: (626) 599-9567
valve and the pneumatic isolation valves and drop all power to the unit. If any unexpected
alarms (except the Low Process Temperature, Vessel Flooding, and Water Leak alarms which
only notify of the alarm condition) are activated during the start-up process, the Auto-
Shutdown and Auto-Isolation systems may trigger. The cause for the alarm will have to be
determined and remedied at that point before proceeding. Do not hesitate to contact the factory
for assistance at any point if there are any deviations from the description that follows.
With the system under D.I. water supply line pressure, check that there is a minimum of 20
psig and a maximum of 60 psig on the pressure gauge on the left side of the unit. Next, power
up the unit on by turning the facility‟s power feed on, then turn on the circuit breaker inside the
electrical cabinet of the unit, then check that the EMO switch on the front of the control panel
is pulled outward and finally pressing the “ON” button on the main control panel. The touch-
screen display should immediately light up with a “Connecting to Host” message. As the unit‟s
PLC will automatically have the steam valve closed on initial power-up of the system there
will be NO heating immediately upon power-up. Also upon power up the Steam Pressure
Relief Venting and D.I. Pressure Relief Venting alarms will automatically be triggered and
requires that you press the “ALARM RESET” button to clear the alarm conditions. The next
step is to enter the “operational password” on the Main Menu screen (touching the area above
the “PRESS FOR SYSTEM STATUS” button or to the left of the “DATE” label and the
second is located above the “PRESS FOR TEMP TRENDING” button and to the right of the
“TIME” label).
Go to the Systems Status screen from the Main Menu and press the “AUTO” button in the box
labeled “Isolation Valves” on the screen. Flow should begin at this point and the outlet valve
can be readjusted for desired flow, by monitoring the flow rate on the Systems Status screen.
Note that at flows less than the threshold for the shedding vortex flow meter the flow rate value
will be shown as less than that value. Vary the flow to check that the flow monitoring system
is operating.
There may be a Low Process Temperature alarm at this point, which is normal. The audio
alarm may also be active and can be defeated by pressing the “DISABLE AUDIO” switch on
the System Status screen or on various alarm screens.
Go into the Recalibration screen and press the “COLD” or “HOT” buttons as necessary to
place the temperature control mixing valves in a nearly fully closed (fully cold) position of 5%
to 10% as indicated by the Actuator Position read-out on that screen.
Check that the Look-Up Table is filled out as shipped from the factory. If it reads all zeros,
contact the factory for starting values appropriate for that unit size and system requirements.
Change the D.I. Temperature Set Point on the Recalibration screen to the desired temperature.
In most cases the unit has been run at the factory using the customer provided data on the flow
regimen and temperatures that the unit is intended for and the program parameters are already
resident in the controller memory.