HBM: public
The TN torque transfer standard is a transducer for measuring static and
dynamic torques in non-rotating operation. The nominal torques are in the
range 100 N
m to 20 kN
Transfer torque transducers
When used as a transfer torque transducer, the transducer helps to calibrate
reference transducers in test and calibration machines or to compare the refer
ence standards and standard machines of different calibration laboratories.
With transfer transducers, a high degree of reproducibility is important. When
torque is transferred, reproducibility is a measure for the influence of different
observers, test conditions, laboratories, mounting and time situations. So for
transfer, the same conditions have to be created as for calibration in the refer
ence standard.
Reference torque transducers
When used as a reference torque transducer, the TN transducer is mounted in
a calibration machine.
General torque measurements in non-rotating operation
The TN torque transfer standard is a precision transducer designed for use
under laboratory conditions. When used in general industrial applications there
fore, special precautions must be taken to ensure that the requisite ambient
conditions are provided. This includes the temperature and humidity conditions,
the EMC environment and the parasitic loads (bending moments, radial forces
and longitudinal forces). Should the ambient conditions differ, this will affect the
accuracy of the measurement and in serious cases, could interfere with oper