T4A, T4WA-S3
T4WA-S3 pin assignment (speed/angle of rotation)
Wire colour
Black (bk)
Zero operating voltage
Red (rd)
Supply voltage for speed measuring system
Green (gn)
Measurement signal for speed/angle of rotation
Grey (gy)
Measurement signal for speed/angle of rotation (90
Yellow (ye)
Cable shield to housing ground
Cable extension
Extension cables must be the shielded, low–capacitance type. We
recommend the use of HBM cables that comply with these requirements.
When using cable extensions, ensure that the connection is perfect, with the
lowest possible contact resistance and good insulation. For this reason all
connections should be soldered, or at the very least should use firmly fixed
terminals or screwed connectors.
Measurement cables should not be laid parallel to high–voltage lines or
control circuits (and therefore should not be laid in common cable shafts). If
this is not possible, protect the measurement cable with, for example,
armoured steel tubing and keep them as far away as possible from other
cables. Guard against stray fields from transformers, motors and contactors.
SUNSTAR传感与控制 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL:0755-83376549 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]
SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]