T4A, T4WA-S3
T4A, T4WA-S3 torque/screw torque transducers measure constant and
varying torques for any direction of rotation. T4WA-S3 transducers also
measure the speed or angle of rotation.
The transducers can be used in conjunction with either manual or motorised
screwdrivers (but not impact wrenches).
To enable wrenches and other bolting tools to be fitted, the transducer
providesan internal square on the input side and an external square on the
output side, both to DIN 3121.
Mounting position
The torque/screw torque transducers can be fitted in any position. When
installed horizontally, make sure that the identification plate is not pointing
downward (to prevent the risk of a short circuit due to the accumulation of
worn carbon on the printed circuit board).
Fixing the enclosure in place
Bearing friction is very low in the case of screw torque transducers.
This means that the enclosure need only be secured against induced rotation.
For this purpose a size M4 (or M6) tapped hole is provided in the enclosure,
on the output side, into which you may screw a suitable stop (such as a
threaded bar).
The twist–proof fixing must have enough axial and radial play to ensure that
no deformation arises between the enclosure and the rotor.
SUNSTAR传感与控制 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL:0755-83376549 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]
SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]