Two Wheeled Version (200) vs. Four
Wheeled Version (400)
An easy way to determine which model is recommended for a given pool is to
imagine a
40’ long pool. If the suction port or skimmer is half way from one end, then
the 2 Wheel model will be the right one.
If the suction port is all the way at one end or you have a very deep end (diving pools)
the 4 Wheel model would be better suited for the pool.
2 Wheel unit comes with 33’ of hose (9 vacuum and one leader hose). You can
safely add two lengths of hose if needed. The 4 Wheel unit comes with
40’ of hose
(11 vacuum and one leader hose). You can add quite a few lengths to it, but at some
point there will be two problems. 1) the hoses will outweigh the cleaner and 2) the
more hoses you add, the more suction is lost to the head.
The 2 Wheel has a steering cam that makes it turn 5 times in a cycle. So it turns more
often to cover an average sized pool. The 4 Wheel has a cam that makes only 3
turns, so that the unit goes straight longer in order to cover a larger pool.
A 2 Wheel unit that needs more straight run can replace the 2 Wheel Cam
(PVXH036009) with a 4 Wheel Cam (PVXH010009).
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