General overview of
sensor unit
3 operating and storage modes
Direct shooting to 3FR
FlexColor worklow efficiency
Instant Approval Architecture
H system cameras were designed with digital photography in mind
right from the outset so the H3D is a natural development within
the world famous H system.
Seamless integration and consequently increased efficiency and
improved workflow are the results of such a design that features
shared information visible on the LCDs/ OLED as well as a shared
battery, for example.
FlexColor, the image processing software that is included with an
H3D, can take advantage of the information that is stored with
each capture both for future reference and for enhanced process-
ing to fine-tune optical characteristics, for example.
FlexColor also provides for tethered use allowing digital capture
control directly from the computer.
HC lenses were also formulated to meet the very high demands
made by digital sensors, which they do with ease.