Chapter 3 Installing the actuator
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3-2 Notice on handling
Handle RSF supermini series actuators with care, specifically:
(1) Do not apply impact or unnecessary excessive force to output
flange of actuators.
(2) Do not put actuators on in a location where the driver could
easily fall.
(3) The allowable temperature for storage is from -20
C to +60
Do not expose it to the sunlight for a long time and do not
store it in areas with widely fluctuating temperatures.
(4) The allowable relative humidity for storage is less than 80%.
Do not storage it in highly humid place or in a place where
temperature changes excessively during the course of a day.
(5) Do not store units in locations with corrosive gas or particles.
Do not plug the actuators directly into a commercial line power
This could burn out the actuator, potentially resulting in a fire and/or electrical hazard.