Live MPEG MAX CSE Encoder Service
Instruction Manual
Use the Audio Bitrate options menu to set the audio bitrate of the multicast stream.
Use the Audio Sample Rate options menu to indicate the audio sample rate of the multicast stream.
Click Apply to save the configuration changes.
10. Change the Service Enable from No to Yes and click Apply to begin the multicast stream. This will also add a new live channel
to the list of Live Channels available to PC and set-top box users which takes its name from the Encoder’s Service Name.
NOTE: With the stream enabled, you cannot change any of the multicast or encoding parameters.
Viewing the Stream
Click the Watch button, which appears after enabling the stream, to view the encoder output. The Encoder Live Channel takes its
name from the Service Name text box in the Max Encoder configuration page. Change the Service Name to change the channel
NOTE: If configuring a firewall on Vision2 servers, then incoming multicasts must be permitted.