Stop knot
Reeving 3:1 End Control
1. Use 8 mm (
") or 10 mm (
") line.
2. Deadend line to angled sheaves by reeving line downward and tying a stop knot in end of line.
3. Reeve line around end control sheave, around top sheave on windward mechanism, and out
through cleat.
4. Tie stop knots on ends of lines so car will not be damaged if in an uncontrolled jibe.
For a 3:1 or 4:1 traveler control, use a Harken Midrange E2730 or 1631 single sheave end control
at each end of track.
End Controls
1. Butt car against track so angled sheaves face forward toward bow.
2. Slide car onto track.
Mounting Windward Car Assembly 1635 and 1636
Angled sheaves forward
1. Use 8 mm (
”) or 10 mm (
”) line.
2. Splice or cow hitch eye to deadend eyestrap on top E2730 end control or to bail on 1631.
If not used, deadend to eyestrap or becket of block.
3. Reeve line downward through angled sheave, around sheave at end of track, around top
sheave on windward mechanism and out through cleat.
4. Tie stop knots on end of lines so car will not be damaged in an uncontrolled jibe.
Reeving 4:1 End Control
E2730 end control