A pneumatic controller regulates the amount of air
pressure applied to the top of the M3P control module
diaphr agm. A r ise in temper ature sensed by the
pneumatic controller reduces the air pressure to the
control module, allowing inlet pressure to enter the
space on top of the piston which forces the main valve
seat to open and regulate flow. A decrease in sensed
temperature increases the pressure of air to the M3P
control module. This increase in air pressure reduces
the opening at the M3P control module and restricts
the flow of inlet pressure to the piston, thus reducing
the opening at the valve main seat. See page 6 for M3P
pilot details.
Disconnect the air line to the M3P control module
and follow the adjustment procedures for the HA4A
Standard Regulator. See page 9. This sets the low
inlet pressure setting for the regulator. Connect the
air line back to the M3P control module. For every
1 psi (0.069 bar g) of increase in air pressure, the inlet
refrigerant pressure setting increases 1 psi (0.069 bar g).
Adjust the controller as specified by the manufacturer.
In lieu of air, low-pressure refrigerant or other fluid can
be used for compensation. The differential between inlet
pressure and pressure to the M3P control module must
not exceed 45 psi (3.1 bar g). Range A, 0 to 150 psig (0
to 10 bar g) or Range V, 20 to 130 psig (-0.67 to 9 bar g).
Temperature changes are detected by the thermal bulb.
The expansion or contraction of the charge inside the bulb
and capillary tube is transferred across the diaphragm
in the M3T control module. A rise in temperature above
the set-for temperature opens the M3T control module
and allows inlet pressure to enter the space on top of
the piston which forces the main valve seat to open
and regulate flow. A decrease in temperature closes
the M3T control module which allows the piston to rise
and close the main valve seat. A reverse acting model is
also available: rising temperature closes the regulator,
as for reheat. See page 6 for M3T pilot details.
Connect a pressure gauge via a gauge valve at the gauge
port on the regulator adapter. Place a thermometer in the
cooled medium. With the system operating, set the M3T
regulator control module to the desired temperature by
turning the adjustment ring clockwise to lower opening
temperature or counterclockwise to increase opening
temperature. One turn is equivalent to a change of
approximately 11°F (6.1°C). Tighten the locking ring after
the final adjustment has been made. Range –40°F to +30°F
(– 40°C to 0°C); or +15°F to +75°F (–10°C to +25°C).
The controller receives signals from an air or liquid
sensor and transmits an electrical voltage to the M3J
electronic actuator control module. An increase in
temperature lowers the voltage to actuator, opening
the regulator to increase flow. A decrease in sensor
temperature increases the voltage from the controller
to the M3J electronic actuator control module closing
the valve to reduce flow. This precision control can
maintain temperatures within 1°F (0.5°C) of setting.
The M3J electronic actuator control module
operated by one of the control packages below. See
page 6 for M3J pilot details.
This standard electronic control package
consists of a controller, controller base, sensor,
and transformer.
This control package includes the standard
ECP components plus a digital temperature
readout, set-for/actual temperature switch
to easily check temperature, assembled and
mounted on a metal back plate. To display
the set-for temperature, simply depress and
hold the set-for/actual temperature switch.
When released, the digital readout will again
display the actual temperature at the sensor.
Same as the DDS with a minimum evaporator
pressure adjustment. This adjustment sets an
evaporator pressure “floor” independent of
temperature. This is ideal to prevent too cold of
an evaporator surface in flooded evaporators
or during loading of critical, temperature-
sensitive products.
Watertight controller enclosure for the above
“DD” series control packages. This industrial-
grade enclosure is polycarbonate with clear
gasketed cover.
EK A46
This computer interface is available for direct
connection of the electronic actuator control
module to a plant computer, PLC, or other
controlling device. Input to inter face is a
regulated 4–20 mA or 0 to 10 volt signal from an
intelligent control device. The EKA46 package
includes interface module and transformer.
Set the desired temperature (REF) using both coarse and
fi ne adjustments. Set the alarm limits (LIM) on deviation
from the desired temperature, +1°C to +5°C. Adjust the
alarm delay timer (DEL) to delay alarm release from 10
to 60 minutes. Both Proportional amplifi cation (Kp) and
Integration time (Tn) are factory set to 4. Consult the
instruction manual or contact the factory if adjustment is
necessary. See the instructions supplied with the EKA46 for
its adjustment recommendations. M3J electronic actuator
control module ranges: J1, 0 to 85 psig (0 to 6 bar g); or
J2, 25 to 115 psig (1.7 to 8 bar g).
AUG 2015