Disposal and waste prevention Page EN-29
Disposal and waste prevention
Our packaging is made of
environmentally friendly,
recyclable materials:
– Outer packaging made of card-
– Moulded parts made of foamed,
CFC-free polystyrene (PS)
– Films and bags made of po-
lyethylene (PE)
– Tension bands made of polypro-
pylene (PP)
If you would like to dispose of the
packaging, please dispose of it in
an environmentally friendly way.
Waste prevention
According to the provisions of Di-
rective 2008/98/EC, waste preven-
tion measures always take priority
over waste management.
For electrical and electronic de-
vices, waste prevention measures
include extending the lifespan of
defective devices through repair
and reselling used working ap-
pliances instead of disposing of
Please help us reduce waste and
contact our Service department if
your product is faulty.
More information can be found in
the brochure “Waste Prevention
Programme - of the German Go-
vernment with the Involvement of
the Federal Länder”.
Disposing of old
electrical devices in
an environmentally-
friendly manner
Electrical appliances
contain harmful substan-
ces as well as valuable
Every consumer is therefore requi-
red by law to dispose of old elec-
trical appliances at an authorised
collection or return point. They
will thus be made available for en-
vironmentally-sound, resource-sa-
ving recycling.
You can dispose of old electrical
appliances free of charge at your
local recycling centre.
Please contact your dealer direc-
tly for more information about this