Section 11: Fuel Tank Installation
Required Parts
• Fuselage assembly
• Fuel tank assembly
• Fuel tubing (red and green)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Foam: 1/2"
Step 1
Glue a piece of 1/2" foam to the sides of the fuel
tank compartment. Glue two pieces of 1/2" foam to
the upper inside of the fuel tank compartment so
there will be 1” of foam between the upper inside of
the fuselage and the fuel tank.
Step 2
Connect the two pieces of fuel tubing to the fuel
tanks pickup and vent tubes.
: Connect the red tube to the vent,
and the green tube to the pickup. If you
forget, just come back to this paragraph to
remind yourself.
Step 3
Install the fuel tank into the fuselage. Make
any necessary supports to keep the tank from
moving during flight.
: Make sure the rear support brace will
not interfere with the installation of the wing.
Step 4
Attach the muffler to the engine. Make the proper
connections to the engine using the engine
manufacturer’s instructions.