Step 5
Screw the molded swivel link onto the 8-32 screw until
the distance from the elevator surface to the top of the
link is 31/32".
Step 6
Remove the stock servo arms from the elevator servos and
replace them with Hangar 9 3D XL 1/2 Servo Arm 4-40:
JR. The arms need to face down as shown. Be sure to
use a drop of threadlock on the servo arm screw if using
metal-geared servos.
Step 7
Screw a 4-40 ball link 5 to 6 turns onto a 5" elevator
linkage. Screw the opposite end of the linkage into the
swivel control horn on the elevator. Adjust the linkage
length until the hole in the ball link lines up with the outer
hole in the servo arm when the elevator is neutral and the
servo arm is centered.
Step 8
Use the included 4-40 screws and nuts to attach the ball
link to the outer hole in the arm. The correct sequence
is 4-40 screw, ball link, servo arm, and 4-40 locknut. Be
sure to use threadlock.
Step 9
Repeat Steps 1 through 8 for the remaining elevator servo
and linkage.
Section 4 –Elevator Servo Installation