Hangar 9 Saratoga Assembly Manual
Step 16
Slide a clevis retainer on the clevis. Thread the clevis
12 turns onto the 16
-inch (419mm) throttle pushrod
wire. Slide the wire into the tube from inside the fuselage.
Step 17
Remove the servo arm from the throttle servo. Trim three of
the four arms from the servo arm as shown. Install the arm
back on the servo. Connect the clevis to the outer hole of the
servo arm as shown.
Step 18
Move the carburetor to the closed position. Use the radio
system to move the throttle servo to the low position. Use
a felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod where it crosses the
middle hole of the carburetor arm as shown.
Step 19
Use the radio system to move the throttle servo to the
fully open position. Move the throttle pushrod to move the
carburetor to the fully open position. Check that the mark
made in the last step is still aligned with the hole in the
carburetor arm used in the last step, or be very close. If not,
use isopropyl alcohol to remove the mark. The goal is to
have the mark align with the same hole in the carburetor arm
at both the open and closed positions.
Step 20
Once the pushrod has been marked, use pliers to make a “Z”
bend at the mark. Use side cutters to trim the pushrod wire
3/8-inch (10mm) from the bend.