Hangar 9 RV-8 Assembly Manual
Step 20
Connect the clevis to the middle hole of the aileron control
horn. After double-checking that the aileron servo is centered
using the radio, use a felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod
where it crosses the center hole of the servo horn.
Step 21
Make a 90-degree bend in the pushrod made in the previous
step. Use a rotary tool and cutoff wheel to trim the pushrod
wire 3/8-inch (10mm) from the bend as shown.
Step 22
Insert the pushrod wire through the outer hole of the aileron
servo horn. Use a pushrod keeper to secure the pushrod to
the aileron servo horn.
Step 23
Follow Steps 2 though 22 to install the flap servo. The flap
servo will not require an extension as described in Step 12.
In addition, when pulling the extension through the wing in
Step 13, you will be pulling both the aileron and flap leads to
the center of the wing as shown.