Hangar 9 RV-8 Assembly Manual
Step 10
Cut a 1/4-inch (6mm) piece from the heat shrink tubing and
slide it over the clevis. Thread the clevis 10-turns on the
pushrod wire. Connect the clevis to the center hole of the
elevator control horn.
: The heat shrink on the clevises will be tightened
after the control throws have been set.
Step 11
Use side cutters to remove one arm from a long 180 servo
arm. Secure the arm on the servo using the screw that was
removed previously. Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to tighten
the screw.
Step 12
Turn on the radio system and center the elevator servo.
With the elevator centered, use a felt-tipped pen to mark the
pushrod wire where it crosses the servo horn.
Step 13
Use pliers to bend the pushrod wire 90 degrees at the mark
made in the previous step.
Step 14
Trim the wire 3/8-inch (10mm) above the bend using side
cutters or a rotary tool.
Step 15
Use a pin drill and 5/64-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge the hole
that is 9/16-inch (14mm) from the center of the servo arm.