Hangar 9 RV-8 Assembly Manual
Step 4
Install the rubber grommets and brass eyelets in the servo
according to the instructions provided with your servo or radio
instruction manual. Use the radio system to center the aileron
servo. After removing the stock servo arm, install the 180 arm
that was prepared in the previous step. Note the direction of
the arm in relationship to the servo and servo cover.
Step 5
With the arm centered in the opening in the servo cover, use
a pencil to transfer the location of the servo on the cover.
Step 6
Use medium grit sandpaper to roughen the end grain of the
servo mounting block where it will fit against the servo cover.
This will improve surface for the epoxy to bond to in the
following step. Make sure to sand the end grain of the blocks.
Sand this end
Step 7
Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the blocks to the servo cover at
the marks made earlier. Use clamps or tape to keep the block
tight against the servo cover until the epoxy fully cures.
Step 8
Position the servo on the servo cover. Leave a small gap of
1/32-inch (1mm) between the servo and cover so vibration
won’t be transferred through the cover and into the servo.
Use a pencil to mark the locations for the four servo
mounting screws.