Step 4
Assemble the T-Pin Ankle Lock System onto the Main Shaft (F1-1600)
Install the Ankle Comfort Dial
• Slide the Ankle Comfort Dial (IA-1119) with pre-assembled Ankle Comfort Dial into the hole at the front base
of the Main Shaft (Figure 8).
• The Ankle Comfort Dial is designed with a High and Low setting. Position the pre-assembled Dial in the Low Setting
(screw holes facing up) for ease of assembly. Slide the separate Ankle Comfort Dial (IA-1118) onto the Ankle Comfort
• Insert the Screw (IA-1123) (Figure 9) and tighten with the Screwdriver (F5-1130) provided.
NOTE: Refer to the Owner’s Manual for a complete description of the Ankle Comfort Dial settings.
Install the Rear Ankle Bar
• With the rounded corners of the pre-assembled Heel Cup facing down, insert the Rear Ankle Bar (IA-1113) into the
large hole at the back of the Main Shaft (Figure 10).
• Insert the Bolt (F5-1087) from the rear of the Main Shaft to secure the Rear Ankle Bar (Figure 10), and tighten the
Washer and Nut with the wrenches provided.
• Slide the separate Heel Cup (F5-1054), with the rounded corners down, onto the open end of the Rear Ankle Bar
(Figure 11).
TIP: To assist with assembly, repeatedly rotate the Heel Cup while pushing it onto the Rear Ankle Bar.
• Insert the Rubber Plug (F5-1056) into the end of the Rear Ankle Bar (Figure 12).
TIP: You may want to use a rubber mallet to assist with assembly.
• Secure the Rubber Plug with the Screw (H1-1200) using the Screwdriver (F5-1130) provided (Figure 12A).
Figure 8
Figure 10
Figure 12
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12A