6 c. Adjusting the Timing Belt Tension
Check the timing belt for tautness by holding the
transmission pulley and rocking the hand wheel. You
should not be able to feel play between the belt teeth
and the transmission timing pulley teeth.
NOTE: if
you tighten the belt too much you will create a bind
or extra noise in the machine. If a correction is
Loosen the idler pulley screw and locknut –
the bracket has an elongated hole in the
motor housing for idler adjustment. Figure
(5mm allen tool and 10mm wrench)
Adjust the idler pulley in or out until the
timing belt has the proper tautness.
Retighten the bolt and lock nut.
NOTE: it is important that 6 a., 6 b., and 6
c. be done in this order so one adjustment
does not throw out the others.
Figure 6.4