Empowering Energy Clean And Affordable
If you need to use the remote start/stop function of the generator with dry contact,
ensure that the generator has ATS and supports remote start/stop.
6.5、Dry contact
Dry contact port with 4 functions:
1. Remote switch on/off 2. Switching signal output 3. Battery temperature sampling
4. Generator remote start/ stop
Switching signal output
Temperature sampling(reserved)
Remote on/off
Generator remote on/off
Remote switch on/off
When pin 1 is connected with pin 2, the inverter will switched off the AC
output. When pin1 is disconnected from pin2, the inverter outputs normally.
Switching signal output
When the voltage of battery reaches the under-voltagelimitvoltage(parameter
15),pin 3 to pin 1 voltage is 0V, When the battery charging/discharging
normally pin 3 to pin 1 voltage is 5V.
Temperature sampling
Pin 1 & Pin 4 can be used for battery temperature sampling compensation.
Generator remote start/stop
When the voltage of battery reaches the under-voltagealarmvoltage
(parameter 14) orvoltagepointofutilityswitchtobattery (parameter 04), pin 6 to
pin 5 normal open, pin 7 to pin 5 normal close.
When the voltage of battery reaches the voltagepointofbatteryswitchtoutility
(parameter 05) or battery is full. pin 6 to pin 5 normal close, pin 7 to pin 5
normal open. (Pin 5/6/7 outputs 125Vac/1A, 230Vac/1A,30Vdc/1A)