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               HR2-320 (pg 3)

Seed Bead


Example 3.

  The results of Example 2 still produced too many, small crystals 

after 24 hours.  In an effort to reduce the number of crystals and increase 
crystal size, one can use a different serial dilution seed stock.  From Preparing 
Serial Dilutions for Seeding, use Dropping Solution 2 for the seed stock.  

For the crystallization experiment, pipet 1.4 M Ammonium sulfate, 0.07 M 
HEPES pH 6.8 into the reagent well (reservoir).  For the drop, pipet 1 part of 
protein plus 1 part of Dropping Solution 2.  The drop will now equilibrate 
from 1.0 M to 1.4 M Ammonium sulfate, but with fewer seeds.

Microseed Matrix Seeding (MMS


Microseed Matrix Seeding is the method where seed crystals are systematically 
added to a crystallization screen.


  By adding seeds instead of protein: 

1.  It is likely to greatly increase the number of crystallization hits that are 


2.  It is likely that good quality crystals will grow, because the crystals often 

grow at lower levels of saturation; 

3.  Reagents can be used where no spontaneous nucleation takes place, so 

that the number of crystals can be controlled by determining the num-
ber of nuclei that are added to the well (by diluting the seed stock).

Setting the Drops for Microseed Matrix Seeding (MMS)

Pipet the crystallization screen reagent into the reagent well (reservoir).  To 
create the drop, pipet 0.2 


l of crystallization screen reagent (reservoir),      



l of seed stock from step 5 and 0.3 


l of protein solution.  As a starting 

point, use the same protein concentration here as used to produce the seeds 
in a previous screen. Repeat for the remaining reagents.

Observations, Notes, and Suggestions

1.  The 3.0 mm PTFE Seed Bead has a density of 2.2 g/cc.
2.  When seeding, one would prefer to have an initial sample / reagent 

composition in the drop that will not produce crystals without the addi-
tion of a seed.  This will prevent nucleation secondary to the introduced 
seeds as well as excessive nucleation.

3.  If, after performing the seeding experiment with a particular set of dilu-

tions, one still observes excessive nucleation and small crystals, repeat 
the seeding experiment with further dilution of the Seed Stock/Dropping 

4.  Use a new, clean Seed Bead and microcentrifuge tube each time one 

is generating a new seed stock.  This will prevent contamination and 

5.  Vortexing the Seed Bead in the presence of detergents and/or other 

chemical additives which can foam is not recommended. In the pres-
ence of detergents or other chemical additives which can foam, it is rec-
ommended one use sonication to disrupt the seed using the Seed Bead.

6.  Sonication using the Seed Bead allows one to use smaller volumes than 

the vortex method.

7.  If using sonication do not leave the sample in the ultrasonic bath too 

long since this can heat the sample.

8.  To prevent splashing when vortexing, grasp the tube in the middle while 

vortexing. Should drops of the sample appear on the upper sides of the 
tube or in the lid, place the tube in a centrifuge for 3 to 5 seconds to sedi-
ment the liquid. Do not centrifuge for any longer since this will “pellet” 
the seeds.

9.  Any crystalline protein material can be used for microseeding, including 

fine needles, spherulites, microcrystals, irregular poorly-formed crystals 
and even granular looking precipitate.  Seed anything that might be 
crystalline.  Skins do not seem to work for seeding.

10.  When performing iterative seeding during optimization, be more se-

lective about which seeds to include in the seed stock, identifying and 
choosing the best crystals; do not mix the good, bad and the ugly, leave 
that to Sergio Leone.

11.  Microcrystals in the seed stock are not stable because of the lower protein 

concentration in solution.  The seed stock should be kept on ice and 
frozen as soon as possible, preferably at -80ºC when not being used.

12.  It has been observed that, for some proteins, only fresh crystals work for 

seeding.  Crystals that have been in the lab for a few weeks may not work 
for seeding, even though the crystals still diffract.  Make a seed stock as 
soon as possible after the crystals stop growing.

13.  One may consider combining as many hits as possible to make the seed 

stock.  But be careful to avoid creating solutions that could result in 
salt crystals or phase separation.  One could try to combine the drops 
from all the hits in PEG based conditions to make one seed-stock, and 
the drops from all the hits in salt based reagent to make another seed 
stock.  Avoid mixing metals and salts such as calcium and phosphate 
as this can produce salt crystals.  Avoid mixing high salt and high PEG 
concentration as this can produce phase separation.

14.  MMS experiments can be dispensed by manually.  The volumes dis-

pensed will be increased slightly to approximately and in the following 
order, 1.5 µl of protein, 1 µl of reservoir solution, and 0.5 µl of seed stock. 

15.  When using automation for MMS, contact dispensing appears to be fa-

vored as non-contact dispensing can be prone to clogging.

16.  Be careful not to optimize salt crystals.  Salt crystals are a side effect of 

MMS due to the random mixing of reagents. 

17.  The potential of seeding and MMS.  Increase hit rate in crystallization 

screens.  More reagents to choose from for ligand soaking and heavy 
atom derivatives.  New space groups.  Use apo form to seed for ligands 
and inhibitors.  Avoid twinning.  Larger, more ordered, better diffracting 
crystals.  Cross seeding between complexes.

Solutions for Crystal Growth
