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Rx Only: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or  

on the order of a physician. 


The HALYARD* family of MIC* gastrostomy feeding tubes allows for delivery of enteral nutrition and 

medication directly into the stomach and/or gastric decompression. 

Indications for Use

Gastrostomy tube feeding may be indicated for patients needing long-term enteral support or 

hydration secondary to a primary condition relating to the head and/or neck. These conditions 

include stroke; cancer; head and neck tumors, Injuries, or trauma; and neurological disorders 

resulting in a chewing or swallowing abnormality. This device (sold in a kit) is intended as an initial 

placement device. The device is placed by one of two techniques, the PULL technique and the over-

the-guidewire technique (PUSH technique). This guidance covers the PULL technique.


Contraindications for placement of a gastrostomy feeding tube include, but are not limited to colonic 

interposition, portal hypertension, peritonitis, morbid obesity and esophageal stenosis.



Do not reuse, reprocess, or resterilize this medical device. Reuse, reprocessing, or 

resterilization may 1) adversely affect the known biocompatibility characteristics of the 

device, 2) compromise the structural integrity of the device, 3) lead to the device not 

performing as intended, or 4) create a risk of contamination and cause the transmission 

of infectious diseases resulting in patient injury, illness, or death.

After MIC* PEG Tube placement, proper positioning of the internal bumper against the 

gastric mucosa must be verified endoscopically. Tension on the MIC* PEG Tube should be 

avoided to minimize the risk of complications. 

Failure to comply with these warnings may result in pressure necrosis of the gastric 

mucosa with subsequent erosion, perforation, and/or leakage of gastric contents into 

the peritoneum. Migration of the internal bumper into the stoma tract or embedding 

into the stomach wall may also occur over time. 

Dispose of all sharps according to facility protocol.


The following complications may be associated with any gastrostomy feeding tube:

•   Skin Breakdown

•   Infection

•   Hypergranulation Tissue

•   Stomach Ulcers

•   Intraperitoneal Leakage

•   Pressure Necrosis



Verify package integrity.  Do not use if package is damaged or sterile barrier compromised.

PULL Placement Procedure

1.   Use a clinically approved method to prep and sedate the patient for an endoscopic procedure.

2.   Use a clinically approved procedure to perform the gastric endoscopy.

3.   With the patient in a supine position, insufflate the stomach with air and transilluminate the 

abdominal wall.




Proper selection of the insertion site is critical to the success of this procedure.

4.   Select gastrostomy site. This site (typically the upper left quadrant) should be free of major 

vessels, viscera, and scar tissue.

5.   Depress the intended insertion site with a finger. The endoscopist should clearly see the resulting 

depression on the anterior surface of the gastric wall.

6.   Prep and drape the skin at the selected insertion site. Locally anesthetize the insertion site.

7.   Following local anesthesia, make a 1 cm (approximate) incision through the skin with the 


8.   Insert the introducer needle system through the incision, advancing through the peritoneum 

and the stomach wall.  

Fig. 1

9.   When the introducer needle is observed in the stomach, remove the introducer needle from the 

introducer cannula by firmly holding the cannula hub and pulling back on the needle hub.

10.  Insert the retrieval snare intro the endoscope, and push the retrieval snare through endoscope 

until observed in the stomach.

11.  Place the looped placement wire through the introducer cannula into the stomach. Grasp the 

looped placement wire with a retrieval snare. Withdraw the retrieval snare into the endoscope 


Fig. 2

12.  Remove the endoscope and the looped placement wire through the oropharynx. Pull 

approximately 5 inches (13 cm) of the looped placement wire from the mouth.

13.  Slowly and smoothly feed the looped placement wire into the introducer 

cannula as the endoscope is retracted. Keep the introducer cannula in 

place in the stomach with the distal end of the placement loop outside the 


Fig. 3

14.  Connect the looped placement wire with the tube loop. 

Fig. 4

15.  Lubricate the MIC* PEG Tube with a water-soluble lubricant. Apply traction 

to pull the placement loop and the tube back through the oropharynx, 

esophagus, and into the stomach. 

Fig. 5

16.  Re-enter the esophagus with the endoscope and visually follow the 

gastrostomy tube as it enters the stomach. Slide the introducer cannula out 

of the incision site and gently pull the PEG dilator tip through the abdominal 


17.  Use a rotating motion to slowly work the tube up and out until the internal 

bumper gently rests against the gastric mucosa.



 Graduated markings on the body of the tube will assist in determining 

the progress of the tube as it exits the abdomen.




 Do not use excessive force to pull the tube into place. This could 

harm the patient and damage the tube.

18.  Cleanse the tube and stoma site and apply a sterile gauze dressing. Cut the 

tube loop wire with scissors and discard the tube loop and placement wire.

19.  Slide the external bolster over the proximal end of the MIC* PEG Tube and 

push the external bolster into place next to the sterile gauze dressing. 

Visually verify that the internal bumper is properly placed. Remove the 

endoscope. The external bolster should be positioned approximately 2 mm 

above the skin.




 Do not apply excessive tension. There should be no 

compression of the gastric mucosa or the skin. Optionally, a suture loop (not 

supplied) may be tied around the external bolster to minimize movement of 

the MIC* PEG Tube while the stoma is healing.

20.  Cut the MIC* PEG Tube straight across, leaving an appropriate length to 

attach a MIC* Feedhead Adapter. 

Fig 6

 Discard the removed portion of the 


21.  Slide the clamp on the MIC* PEG Tube.

22.  Insert the barb connector of the MIC* Feedhead Adapter completely into the 

proximal end of the MIC* PEG Tube.

Skin and Stoma Care

1.   Keep the skin around the MIC* PEG Tube stoma site clean, dry, and free of 


2.   After the stoma is healed, a dressing is not necessary with the MIC* PEG Tube 

and may even cause moisture retention resulting in skin irritation.

Removal of the MIC* PEG Tube

The MIC* PEG Tube should be removed by either traction removal through the 

stoma or through endoscopic retrieval.



 It is not recommended that a portion of the tube be cut to allow 

the internal bumper to pass.



 When the 14 Fr PEG is used, use endoscopic removal method only.


Warning:  Never attempt to change the tube unless trained by the 

physician or other health care provider.

Traction Removal of the MIC* PEG Tube

1.   When the physician determines that the tract is formed (usually within 4–6 

weeks after placement of PEG), the MIC* PEG Tube may be replaced with an 

alternative feeding device. We recommend using one of the following:

  • MIC-KEY* Low-Profile Gastrostomy Tube

  • MIC* Gastrostomy Tube

2.   Ensure that this type of tube can be replaced at the bedside.

3.   To remove the tube, prep the patient for MIC* PEG Tube removal using 

standard procedure.

4.   Lubricate the skin and tube around the stoma with a watersoluble lubricant. 

Rotate the tube 360° and move the tube in and out slightly.



Warning: If the tube does not move without restriction in the 

tract, do not attempt to use traction as a method of removal. 

Removal of feeding tubes using traction may result in tract 

separation and associated complications. Feeding tubes that have 

been in place for several months may have an increased potential 

for internal bumper separation during traction removal.




When the 14 Fr PEG is used, use endoscopic removal method 


5.   Position one hand on the abdomen around the stoma with the thumb and 

forefinger approximately two Inches apart to stabilize the abdominal wall.

6.   Grasp the tube with the opposite hand next to the stoma site. Firmly, but 

gently, pull the MIC* PEG Tube until the internal bumper emerges through 

the stoma.

7.   Replace the MIC* PEG Tube with the appropriately sized gastrostomy tube.

8.   If the tube cannot be removed with a reasonable amount of traction, it 

should be removed by endoscopic retrieval.

Endoscopic Removal of the MIC* PEG Tube

1.   When the physician determines that the tract is formed (usually within 4-6 

weeks after placement of PEG), the MIC* PEG Tube may be replaced with an 

alternative feeding device. We recommend using one of the following:

  • MIC-KEY* Low-Profile Gastrostomy Tube

  • MIC* Gastrostomy Tube

2.   To remove the tube, prep the patient for MIC* PEG Tube endoscopic removal 

using standard procedure.

3.   Cut the MIC* PEG Tube at skin level.

4.   Retrieve the MIC* PEG Tube using endoscopic tools according to facility 


5.   Replace the MIC* PEG Tube with the appropriately sized gastrostomy tube.

Feedhead Adapter with ENFit™ Connectors Replacement 


1.   Cleanse the skin around the stoma site and allow the area to air dry.

2.   Clamp the tube and trim the MIC* PEG Tube as necessary using scissors. Cut 

the tube straight across. 

3.    Push the Replacement Feedhead Adapter with ENFit™ Connectors 

completely into the MIC* PEG Tube. 

4.   Unclamp the tube to resume use. 

Tube Patency Guidelines

Proper tube flushing is the best way to avoid clogging and maintain tube 

patency.  The following are guidelines to avoid clogging and maintain tube 


•   Flush the feeding tube with water every 4–6 hours during continuous 

feeding, anytime the feeding is interrupted, before and after every 

intermittent feeding, or at least every 8 hours if the tube is not being used.

•   Flush the feeding tube after checking gastric residuals.

•   Flush the feeding tube before and after medication administration and 

between medications. This will prevent the medication from interacting 

with formula and potentially causing the tube to clog.

•   Use liquid medication when possible and consult the pharmacist to 

determine if it is safe to crush solid medication and to mix with water. If 

safe, pulverize the solid medication into a fine powder form and dissolve 

the powder in warm water before administering through the feeding tube. 

Never crush enteric-coated medication or mix medication with formula.

•   Avoid using acidic fluids such as cranberry juice and cola beverages to flush 

feeding tubes as the acidic quality when combined with formula proteins 

may actually contribute to tube clogging.

General Flushing Guidelines

Flush the feeding tube with water using an ENFit™ syringe every 4–6 hours 

during continuous feeding, anytime the feeding is interrupted, or at least every 8 

hours if the tube is not being used.  Flush the feeding tube after checking gastric 

residuals.  Flush the feeding tube before and after medication administration.  

Avoid using acidic irrigants such as cranberry juice and cola beverages to flush 

feeding tubes.

•   Unclamp the MIC* PEG Tube before flushing.

•   Use a 30 to 60 ml ENFit™ syringe. Do not use smaller size syringes as this can 

increase pressure on the tube and potentially rupture smaller tubes.

•   Ensure the second access port (if applicable) is closed with the tethered cap 

prior to flushing.

•   Use room temperature water for tube flushing. Sterile water may be 

appropriate where the quality of municipal water supplies is of concern. The 

amount of water will depend on the patient’s needs, clinical condition, and 

type of tube, but the average volume ranges from 10 to 50 ml for adults, 

and 3 to 10 ml for infants. Hydration status also influences the volume used 

for flushing feeding tubes. In many cases, increasing the flushing volume 

can avoid the need for supplemental intravenous fluid. However, individuals 

with renal failure and other fluid restrictions should receive the minimum 

flushing volume necessary to maintain patency.

•   Do not use excessive force to flush the tube. Excessive force can perforate the 

tube and can cause injury to the gastrointestinal tract.

•   Document the time and amount of water used in the patient’s record. This 

will enable all caregivers to monitor the patient’s needs more accurately.






 Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Kit

with ENFit™ Connectors

PULL Technique

Fig. 1

Fig. 4

Fig. 2

Fig. 5

Fig. 3

Fig. 6
