Hydraulic connection
1. Install the valve assembly
to the front end of the machine
beside the hydraulic motor
for the infeed conveyor.
Be careful not to spill any hydraulic oil into the environment during installation!!!
Operating lever of the lifter
Direction of
oil flow
Fitting the lifter to the machine
6. Install the hydraulic hoses in such a way that
they do not chafe during operation.
7. Put the cover (see point 2) back in place.
1. Fit the lug for
attaching the
lifter to the frame of
the machine.
3. Attach the lug for locking
the device in the transport
position below the splitting-blade
adjustment crank and secure
it with a nut and bolt
2. Fix the lifter in
place using the
nuts and bolts
2. Remove the cover of the hydraulic system.
3. Disconnect the end of the hydraulic
hose which goes from the hydraulic pump
of the machine to the upper side of
the machine valve and connect it to the hose
using a double-nipple on the lifter valve.
4. Connect the hose which comes from
the lifter valve to the double-nipple on
the upper side of the machine valve - i.e.
to the same nipple from which you
disconnected (see point 3) the hose
coming from the pump.
5. Connect the hydraulic hoses from the
lifter to the operating valve in such a way
that when the operating lever is lifted,
the lifting beam rises, and when the lever
is depressed, the beam lowers.