Check all buckles for damage, distortion, cracks, breaks, and rough or sharp edges. Inspect for any unusual wear, frayed or cut fibers, or
broken stitching of the buckle attachments. Make sure buckles properly engage.
Ensure that the Quick-Connect buckle’s dual-tab release mechanism is free of debris and engages properly. Double-check the buckle
locking mechanism by tugging on both halves of the buckle to make sure it is firmly connected and will not disengage.
All markings must be legible and attached to the product.
All hardware must be free of cracks, sharp edges, deformation, corrosion, or any evidence of defect.
9.0 Cleaning, Maintenance, and Storage
Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses can be wiped down with a mild detergent and missed with a clean cloth to remove detergent.
The hardware can also be wiped down with a clean, dry cloth to remove grease or dirt.
Any Hailo Wind Systems Full Body Harness requiring maintenance must be tagged “unusable” and removed from service.
When not in use, Hailo Wind Systems
Wind Systems Full Body Harnesses should be stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Do not store in areas where damage from environmental factors such as heat, light, excessive moisture, oil, chemicals and their
vapors, or other degrading elements may be present.
Do not store damaged equipment or equipment in need of maintenance in the same area as product approved for use. Equipment
must be cleaned and dried prior to storage.
Equipment that has been stored for an extended period must be inspected as described in these
User Instructions
prior to use.