1) "O" Terminal is energized for cooling
"B" Terminal is energized for heating
In most applications, the reversing valve is energized for cooling
and should be connected to the "O" terminal. If the heat pump
requires the reversing valve to be energized for heating, connect
the reversing valve to the "B" terminal.
2) "X1" and "X2" are connected to a 24VAC Red LED, most often
used to indicate a fault with the heat pump compressor.
3) The Emergency Heat Relay (E Terminal) and outdoor
thermostats (usually accessories to a heat pump), are not used.
The RC-100 automatically controls auxiliary heat efficiently.
The RC-100 requires at least 1 stage of auxiliary heat enabled at
all times. If the heat pump is equipped with an outdoor
thermostat, it should be removed from the auxiliary heat circuit,
or reconfigured so that it can only disable 2nd and 3rd stage of
auxiliary heat.
The keys on the thermostat can be disabled to prevent anyone from
controlling the thermostat locally. To disable the keys, solder a wire
jumper across the two holes on the circuit board as shown below.