Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
Figure 1.10 the interface of video browsing
The video browsing interface is made up of three parts: the function button located at
the top of the zone, the video window located at the lower left and the PTZ control
panel area located at the lower right.
a. The function button area:
include three buttons: Playback, Config and Quit. Click
the button of Playback, this camera with storage device, then come out playback
interface, otherwise notice you the camera has not connected storage device. Click the
button of Config then come out the interface of config. Click the button of Quit then
you will login out.
b. Video-play window:
when you are playing real-time stream, you can choose
playing sub-stream or main- stream by yourself. And double-click the window the
video will play in full screen.
c. PTZ control panel:
Play Video:
when the middle triangle is red, means there is video stream; when is
white, means there is no stream.
Stop Play:
clicking this button, video will stop and clear window.
Snap Picture:
clicking this button, will take photos of the current video screen.
Pictures default saved in the path of C disk, and creates a new folder which name is
today’ date. Of course, the save path can be modified by yourself.
clicking this button, device will record. Button flicker means recording.
Records default saved in the path of C disk, and creates a new folder which name is
today’ date. Of course, the save path can be modified by yourself. It should be noticed
Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
that when the free space is less than 2G, you can not record.
if this device with the function of audio and opened it, click this button, you
can talk between PC and device. Button flicker means in the talk.
Stream setting:
this button is to set that the video window is play main stream or sub
Save Path:
to configure the save path of snap picture and record. If snap pictures or
records, system will auto-create a new folder which name is current date in the setting
path. It should be noticed that the setting path will not saved if you login out.
PTZ direction control:
connect to the PTZ, you can control it to turn up, down, left,
right, left up, right up, left down, right down and auto.
Zoom In:
zoom focal length.
Zoom Out:
pull away focal length.
Focus Far:
increase focal length.
Focus Near:
shorten focal length.
Iris Open:
enlarge iris, the larger iris, the brighter screen.
Iris Close:
reduce iris.
Figure 1.11 the setting of orbit/scan function
Select “Orbit” and click “Run” then the PTZ will turn among all preset
Stop Orbit:
Select “Orbit Stop” and click “Run” to stop orbit.
Scan Start Point:
Turn lens and select “Scan Start Point” in the “Orbit/Scan List” and
click “Run”, then this point is “Scan Start Point”
Scan Stop Point:
Turn lens again and select “Scan Stop Point” in the “Orbit/Scan
List” and click “Run”, then this point is “Scan Stop Point”
Start Scan:
When the “Scan Start Point” and “Scan Stop Point” is done, then select
“Start Scan” in the “Orbit/Scan List”, and then the lens will turn between this two
Stop Scan:
While the “Start Scan” is running, select “Stop Scan” to stop.