Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
Figure 3.8 Media Status
Megapixel IP Camera User manual V2.0.0
4 Storage
4.1 Storage Manage
4.1.1 Uninstall of storage device
“Uninstall” means remove the storage from the device with a safe way, in order to
prevent data been destruct. Choose the storage device that you want to uninstall, click
the button of “uninstall”, it will pop-up a dialog as figure 4.2. Click “OK” it will
uninstall this storage device. Once uninstall a storage device, it will stop using. When
need use it again, you can restart the camera.
Figure 4.1 Storage Information
Figure 4.2 if ensure to uninstall storage device?
4.1.2 Formatting of storage device
If the camera has connected a storage device, but can’t install it, we can format this
storage first. Choose the storage device that you want to format, click the button of
“formatting”, then will pop-up a dialog as figure 4.3. Click “OK” it will format this
storage device. Once format a storage device, the date in this storage device will all