Prevent excessive shocks and strains on the wire rope hoist (e.g. anchorage of moving equipment,
wind, etc.) by using a relief rope.
Danger! Do not stay in the danger area of loads, guide pulleys and ropes!
It is forbidden to work under suspended, unsecured loads!
Secure any freely suspended loads against twisting!
2.3.5 Pulling, lifting lowering and securing
Insert the rope into the machine in accordance with the instructions provided in the operating manual or
on the typeplate.
The free end of the rope has to be able to exit freely from the pulling machine over the anchoring bolt.
Never pull the hook against the housing
All of the operating levers may only be handled by hand. Do not hit with a hammer or similar objects.
Operate either the forward motion or the reverse motion lever at a time;
operate both levers at
the same time.
In case of too height actuating force at the forward motion lever the shearing pin brakes
and prevents the hoist of overload. (see chapter 5)
Nevertheless the load is hold securely.
Detectors for the rope cannot by built in. When you are lowering a load make sure that the rope is long
enough. Stop at the latest 0.5 m before the end of the rope and place a support underneath the load or
reattach it.
Warranty and liability
Habegger grants a warranty for free-of-charge replacement as well as assembly and disassembly of
parts, when it can be proven that these parts have become unserviceable due to material or
manufacturing defects.
The period of warranty shall be 5 years.
Any claims of warranty and liability with respect to personal injury and damage to property shall be
excluded if they can be attributed to one or several of the causes listed below:
use of the wire rope hoist for a purpose other than its intended one;
improper operation and maintenance of the wire rope hoist;
non-observance of the instructions in the operating manual regarding the operation
and maintenance of the wire rope hoist;
unauthorized structural alterations on the wire rope hoist;
lack of maintenance of machine parts that are subject to wear;
repairs carried out improperly;
catastrophes caused by foreign bodies and force major;
use of spare parts not delivered by HABEGGER
use of a telescopic lever which is not conform to the hoist type in use