Operating instructions − UTD.045.06-2013.00_TR_EN
5.5 - Backstop device
The presence on gear reducer of backstop device is stated
by the arrow near the low speed shaft, indicating the free
, excluding the shaft mounted gear reducers for which B or
C design is stated (see Rossi technical catalogs).
Provide a protection system where a backstop device breaking
could cause personal injury or property damage.
Check - before starting - that there is
correspondence between
free rotation and the direction of rotation of the machine to
be driven and of the motor
One or more startings in the false direction,
even if short, could irremediably damage the backstop
device, the coupling seats and/or the electric motor.
5.6 Shrink disc
– Carefully degrease the surfaces of hollow shaft and shaft end of
driven machine to be fi t;
– mount the shrink disc on gear reducer hollow shaft by lubricating
fi rst only the external surface of hollow shaft;
– slightly tighten a fi rst grouop of three screws positioned at about
– mount the gear reducer on machine shaft end;
– gradually and uniformly tighten, by means of dynamometric
wrench, the screws of shrink disc at torque value 5% higher than
the one shown in the table at page 24, by a continuous sequence
(not crossing) using approximately 1/4 turns for each pass until
1/4 turn can no longer be achieved;
– continue to apply overtorque by means of dynamometric wrench
for 1 or 2 more passes and at the end verify that the tightening
torque stated in the table has been achieved;
– when having heavy duty cycles, with frequent reversals, verify
again after some hours of running, the bolt tightening torque.
– Prior to initiating the removal procedure, check that no torque or
thrust loads are acting on the shrink disc, shaft or any mounted
– clean off any rusty areas;
– loosen the fastening screws one after the other only by using
approx. 1/2 turn at a time and by a continuous sequence (not
crossing), until shrink disc can be moved on hollow shaft;
– do not completely remove fastening screws before locking rings
are disengaged: risk of serious injury!
– remove the gear reducer from the machine shaft.
6 - Lubrication
6.1 - General
Depending on type and size, gear reducers and gearmotors may be
grease-lubricated and supplied FILLED WITH GREASE, or (synthetic
or mineral) oil-lubricated and supplied FlLLED WlTH OlL or WlTHOUT
OIL depending on type and size (see ch. 6.2). When supplying
WITHOUT OIL, the filling up to specified level (normally stated by
means of transparent level plug) is Buyer’s responsibility.
Every gear reducer has a
lubrication plate.
Concerning lubricant type and quantity, gear reducer type, how
supplied, plugs, filling instructions, oil-change interval, etc. see
lubrication table (6.2).
Be sure that the gear reducer has been mounted in the mounting
position foreseen in the order - including inclined mounting posi-
tions (e.g.: B3 38° V5) - as stated on the nameplate; when it is not
stated, the gear reducer must be mounted in horizontal mounting
position B3 or B5 (B3, B8, worm gear reducers size ≥ 64), vertical
V1 (for bevel helical gear reducer design with flange FO1...). For
oscillatory mounting positions, the gear reducers are equipped
with auxiliary nameplate with statement of mounting position and
oil quantity to be filled with as well as level check to be executed
during the periodical maintenance.
Be sure that for gear reducers and gearmotors size ≥ 100, the filler
plug is provided with a valve (symbol
); otherwise, replace it
with the one normally supplied with.
When gear reducer or gearmotor is provided with a
spilway plug
(red colour) fill after unscrewing a.m. plug in order to check the
obtained level by oil outlet.
When gear reducer or gearmotor is provi-
ded with a
level plug with rod
, fill with
oil up to specified level on rod.
When gear reducer or gearmotor is sup-
plied with a level plug (size
100), the
necessary lubricant quantity is that which
reaches a.m. Ievel in center line of
plug (gear reducer at rest)
and not the
approximate quantity given on the catalog.
Usually bearings are automatically and continuously lubricated
(bathed, splashed, through pipes or by a pump) utilising the main
gear reducer lubricant. The same applies for backstop devices,
when fitted to gear reducers.
In certain gear reducers in vertical mounting positions V1, V3, V5
and V6, and bevel helical gear reducers in horizontal positions B3,
B6 and B51 (though not gearmotors in this case, for which the
above indications hold good) upper bearings are independently
lubricated with a special grease «for life», assuming pollution-free
surroundings. The same applies for motor bearings (except some
cases in which relubrication device is adopted) and backstop devi-
ces when fitted to motors.
Combined gear reducer units.
Lubrication remains indepen-
dent, thus data relative to each single gear reducer hold good.
6.3 - Extruder support lubrication (helical
bevel helical
The lubrication of
extruder support
from the gear
reducer, except:
– for designs HA ... HC;
– in presence of the independent cooling unit, if applied to lubricate
both the gear reducer and the support.
separate lubrication
of extruder support sensibly improves
the reliability and real life of the axial bearing; the separation betwe-
en gear reducer and support is granted by a seal ring.
With separate lubrication, for the extruder support, use polyalpha-
olephines based synthetic oil (MOBIL SHC Gear, CASTROL
Alphasyn EP) with
ISO 680 cSt
viscosity grade.
common lubrication
(designs HA ... HC in presence of
independent cooling unit, if applied to lubricate both the gear redu-
cer and the support), lubricant ISO viscosity grade must be accor-
ding to the instructions given in ch. 6.2 «lubrication table» and oil
must be polyalphaolephine based synthetic type.
For the filling up of oil of extruder support, see the table below.
For the lubrication of gear reducer refer to ch. 6.2, lubrication table.
7 - Cooling system
7.1 - Cooling by fan
If there is fan on the gear reducer verify
that there is sufficient space allowing for
adequate circulation of cooling air also
after fitting coupling protection. If a cou-
pling protection is fitted (drilled case or
wire netting), smooth, the coupling hub,
if necessary.
7.2 - Water cooling by coil
The presence of coil is given by water inlets (pipes DIN 2353) pro-
truding from the casing as shown in the following figure.
d A
125 ... 180 12
40 22
200 ... 280 12
50 22
320 ... 360 16
60 30
400 ... 631 16 200 30
1) These values for some mounting
positions and designs can vary.
Do not tamper with the eventual stop plate in order to
keep the pipes them locked; in particular keep the pipe locked while
tightening the nut of connection pipe. Water fed into the system
– be not too hard;
– be at max tempe20 °C;
– flow at 10
20 dm
– have a pressure 0,2
0,4 MPa (2
4 bar).
Where ambient temperature may be less than 0 °C, make provision
for water drain and compressed air inlet, so as to be able to empty
out the coil completely and avoid freezing up.
When risking high input pressure peaks, install a safety valve set to
a proper operating threshold.
7.3 - Independent cooling unit
See specific documentation supplied together with the unit.
.C 764
Gear reducer
Lubrication of extruder support
Separate lubrication
Joint lubrication
125 ... 451
Filling up
Filling up
to the level (of support) to the level (of gear reducer)
1) Support with metal filler plug with filter and valve, level and draining plug.
2) The level is metal only in the gear reducer casing.