Slave HA State: Receiving realtime data.
Table 7
Command output for a subordinate
Field Description
Slave HA State
Describes the master/subordinate switchover state of the subordinate switch.
The subordinate switch is ready for bulk-backing up data.
Sending batch backup
The subordinate switch is requesting for a bulk-backup.
Receiving batch data
The subordinate switch is bulk backing up data.
Receiving realtime data
The member switch is receiving real-time data.
irf auto-update enable
irf auto-update enable
to enable the software auto-update function for propagating the system
software image of the master to all its members.
undo irf auto-update enable
to disable this function.
irf auto-update enable
undo irf auto-update enable
Software auto-update for subordinate switches is enabled.
System view
Default command level
3: Manage level
Usage guidelines
When you add a switch to the IRF fabric, the software auto-update function compares the system software
versions of the switch and the IRF master. If the versions are different, the switch automatically downloads
the system software image from the master, sets the downloaded file as the system software for the next
reboot, and automatically reboots with the new system software image to re-join the IRF fabric.
To avoid an update failure, make sure the switch has efficient space for the new system software image.
If the switch you are adding to the IRF fabric is incompatible with the software version running on the
master, the software auto-update function cannot work correctly.
If software auto-update function is disabled, you must manually update the switch with the system
software image of the master.
# Enable the software auto-update function.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] irf auto-update enable