Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Software Loading Failure
If loading new version software fails, the system runs steadily using the original system files. In this case,
check whether the physical ports are properly connected.
If not, reconnect them correctly and restart the loading procedure.
If so, view the loading procedure information displayed on the HyperTerminal to check for input
errors. If there is any input error, restart the loading procedure with correct input.
Common input errors include:
Fail to set the baud rate of the HyperTerminal to 9,600 bps when loading files at a baud rate other
than 9,600 bps through XMODEM.
Enter an incorrect IP address, software name, or path of the TFTP server when using TFTP.
Enter an incorrect IP address, software name, username, or password when using FTP.
If software loading fails when there are neither physical connection problems nor input errors, please
contact your sales agent for help.
Password Loss
User Password Loss
If you have forgotten the user password, you can enter the Boot ROM menu:
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify BootRom password
6. Enter BootRom upgrade menu
7. Skip current configuration file
8. Set BootRom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9):
, and then restart the switch. After the switch is restarted, the user password is removed.
Boot ROM Password Loss
Please contact your sales agent.