H3C Low-End Ethernet Switches Configuration Examples
Chapter 3 Enterprise Network Access
Authentication Configuration Example
# Create an ISP domain named abc and adopt the RADIUS scheme cams for
[H3C] domain abc
[H3C-isp-abc] radius-scheme cams
[H3C-isp-abc] quit
# Set the ISP domain abc as the default ISP domain.
[H3C] domain default enable abc
# Enable dynamic VLAN assignment.
[H3C-isp-abc] vlan-assignment-mode integer
# Enable Guest VLAN 10 on the specified port.
[H3C] vlan 10
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/3] dot1x port-method portbased
[H3C-Ehternet1/0/3] dot1x guest-vlan 10
# Enable 802.1x.
[H3C] dot1x
# Enable dot1x in port view.
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/3] dot1x
# Use the
command to view the configuration associated with 802.1x and AAA
[H3C] display dot1x interface ethernet1/0/3
Global 802.1x protocol is enabled
CHAP authentication is enabled
DHCP-launch is disabled
Proxy trap checker is disabled
Proxy logoff checker is disabled
Configuration: Transmit Period 30 s, Handshake Period 15 s
ReAuth Period 3600 s, ReAuth MaxTimes 2
Quiet Period 60 s, Quiet Period Timer is disabled
Supp Timeout 30 s, Server Timeout 100 s
Interval between version requests is 30s
Maximal request times for version information is 3
The maximal retransmitting times 2
Total maximum 802.1x user resource number is 1024
Total current used 802.1x resource number is 0
Ethernet1/0/3 is link-up
802.1x protocol is enabled