H3C Low-End Ethernet Switches Configuration Examples
Chapter 2 Examples of QACL Configuration
[H3C] time-range a001 8:30 to 18:00 working-day
# Create time range a002, defining off hours.
[H3C] time-range a002 00:00 to 8:30 working-day
[H3C] time-range a002 18:00 to 24:00 working-day
[H3C] time-range a002 00:00 to 24:00 off-day
# Define ACL 3010: Forbid the clients to access the Internet through HTTP during the
time range a001; classify and mark the packets with the IP priority of 7 generated when
PC 1 accesses the Internet during non-workday periods.
[H3C] acl number 3010
[H3C-acl-adv-3010] rule 0 deny tcp destination 0 destination-port eq
80 time-range a001
[H3C-acl-adv-3010] rule 1 permit ip source 0 precedence 7 time-range
[H3C-acl-adv-3010] quit
# Define ACL 4010: Classify and mark the packets with the CoS priority of 5 generated
when PC 2 accesses the Internet during non-work periods.
[H3C] acl number 4010
[H3C-acl-ethernetframe-4010] rule 0 permit cos 5 source 0012-0990-2241
ffff-ffff-ffff time-range a002
[H3C-acl-ethernetframe-4010] quit
# Apply rule 0 of ACL 3010 to the port GigabitEthernet1/1/1 connected to Server1, and
set the maximum traffic rate by clients’ accessing the Internet to 100 Mbps.
[H3C] interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/1
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] packet-filter outbound ip-group 3010 rule 0
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] line-rate outbound 102400
[H3C-GigabitEthernet1/1/1] quit
# Perform traffic policing for the packets marked rule 1 of ACL 3010 on the port
Ethernet1/0/1 connected to PC 1, and modify the DSCP priority of the excess packets
to EF.
[H3C] interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/1] traffic-limit inbound ip-group 3010 rule 1 20480 exceed
remark-dscp ef
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
# Perform traffic policing for the packets marked rule 0 of ACL 4010 on the port
Ethernet1/0/2 connected to PC 2, set the maximum traffic rate to 10 Mbps, and discard
the excess packets.
[H3C] interface Ethernet 1/0/2
[H3C-Ethernet1/0/2] traffic-limit inbound link-group 4010 rule 0 10240 exceed